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Sea Green Singers - Pachama - score and lyrics - from Raised Voces site

Pachamama - Page 1 - Starts and ends with a Hopi chant and incorporates words of a Cree proverb - by Morag Carmichael
Pachamama - Page 2

Pachama score - pdf file of score and lyrics below from Raised Voices

3 PACHAMAMA - (short version, inspired by Indigenous American

Pachamama X5 in Tenors, others X4
Hey yanna , ho yanna, hey yan yan X2
(Pachamama X5 in tenors)
The earth is bleeding, the earth is dying,
It’s time to stop the devastation,
We cannot eat money,
We cannot drink oil.
Leave the oil in the ground
Keep the woodland and forest
Let the mountains be
It’s time for nurture and healing now.
Leave the shale gas in the ground
Keep our land free from fracking
Let our water be
And don’t risk earthquakes
It’s time for healing now.
REPEAT from “Leave the oil….”
THEN REPEAT initial “Pachamama”
And” Hey Yanna…”