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Sea Green Singers - We'll fight on - Amen Siakudumisa - S. African song (Stawberry Thieves)

pdf file for score of Amen Siakudumisa melody S. C. Molefe
Score of Amen Siakudumisa is on 'Hold on' page.
Top voice: We'll fight on .......................................We'll fight on
.................................We will fight on against the cuts ..............We will fight on against the cuts
We'll fight on .......................................We'll fight on
........................We will fight on ....................................We will fight on
We will fight on against the cuts

Top voice: We won't pay
We will not pay the bankers debts x2
We will not pay x2
We will not pay the bankers debts

Top voice: The poorest

Why should the poorest foot the bill x2
Why should the poorest x2
Why should the poorest foot the bill x2

Top voice: The NH
We will defend the NHS x2
We will defend x2
We will defend the NHS