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Sea Green Singers - Oh Mr Cameron - score and lyrics - click on image for graphic - click here for Liverpool Socialist version of song without background hum of Bandierra Rossa

Oh Mr Cameron by Alun Parry and Norma (his mum) & CPH of Liverpool Socialist Choir

1. Oh Mr Cameron, what can I do
I never voted Tory but I ended up with you
Now we've got two muppets governing the land
Oh Mr Cameron I just don't understand

Oh Mr Cameron please don't think me mean
But I really think we should bring back the guillotine
For you and Clegg and Osborne and Lady Thatcher too
They're the only kind of cuts I want to see from you

2. Oh Mr Cameron what can I do
I voted for one party now I've ended up with two
You and Nick together, he's eating out your hand
Like a little puppy dog obeying your command

3. Oh Mr Cameron, you may be stinking rich
That doesn't make it fair to throw our healthcare in the ditch
Pawn it all for profit and it isn't hard to guess
We'll rot away if we can't pay: hands off our NHS!

4. Oh Mr Cameron I know what I'll do
We'll have a revolution and we will get rid of you
You and all your cronies banished from the land
We'll have the workers run the show, now wouldn't that be grand
rpt chorus x2

Hear the author sing the song here:
and the Liverpool Socialist choir sing it here:

SGS version sung at Levellers Day 2012

1. Oh Mr Cameron, what can I do
I never voted Tory but I ended up with you
You and Nick together, he's eating out your hand
Like a little puppy dog obeying your command
.(ch. tune) Oh Mr Cameron, you may be stinking rich
That doesn't make it fair to throw our healthcare in the ditch
Pawn it all for profit and it isn't hard to guess
We'll rot away if we can't pay: hands off our NHS!

start humming Bandierra Rossa verse tune:
2 . Oh Mr Cameron I’ve often heard you say
We're all in this together, we'll all suffer the same way.
Your cuts are for the poor, tax breaks for millionaires
Your words dont seem to match your deeds, We all know its not fair

(chorus tune without hum)
Oh Mr Cameron I know what I'll do
We'll have a revolution and we will get rid of you
You and all your cronies banished from the land
We'll have the workers run the show, now wouldn't that be grand

sing Bandierra Rossa verse words, not too loud, along with verse 2 repeated:
1. Avanti popolo, a la rescossa,
Bandiera rossa, bandiera rossa
Avanti popolo, a la rescossa,
Bandiera rossa trionfera.

All sing chorus:
Bandiera rossa la trionfera,
bandiera rossa la trionfera,
bandiera rossa la trionfera,
E viv' il socialismo e la liberta.

2. Non piu nemici, non piu frontere,
Son i confini rossa bandiere,
O proletari alla rescossa
Bandiera rossa trionfera