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Sea Green Singers - Had I a golden thread

Oh, Had I a Golden Thread -Pete Seeger - 1958

1. Had I a golden thread, And needle so fine
I'd weave a magic strand, Of rainbow design
Of rainbow design.

2. In it I'd weave the bravery, Of women giving birth,
In it I would weave the innocence Of children of this earth,
Children of all earth.

Sop. only and Bass humming
3. Far o'er the waters, I'd reach my rainbow band
To every human being, so they would understand,
So they would understand.

Sop. only and all humming
4. Tell my brothers and my sisters, Of my rainbow design,
Bind up this sorry world With heart and hand and mind,
Heart and hand and mind.

5. Far o'er the waters, I'd reach my rainbow band
To every city, And through every land,
Through every land.