Lyrics & Song sheets |
Bass |
Tenor |
Alto |
Soprano |
All |
Songs from 350 demo
Oxford, 24th 2009 |
Adelante |
gonna let nobody turn me around |
All around my
spirit |
A La Huelga (To the strike) |
Aint gonna
study war no more |
tenor - pno |
in this together (My eyes are opened) |
Carols for Palestine |
lyrics to carols |
A man's a man
for a' that |
Amandah Weih
- see Freedom is Coming |
siyakadumisa - We'll fight on |
siyakadumisa - Women Resist |
Anti - Fracking Song |
Art not in your
name - Shell version |
Asalaam Aleikhum |
Asikhatali - A Heavy
Load - (not for IBMT)
score created 22/11/2009 |
Palestine - (for IBMT) - spoken
score created 26/8/2014 |
Asylum is a human right
scores created: Bridget words: 26/10 2010; Susies
words 22/1/2019 |
Badger Song |
of Accounting |
Bandiera rossa
Song |
Bella Ciao
Bella Ciao
- We are singing (English words) Bella
Ciao - Sing for the Climate Bella
Ciao - NHS version Bella
Ciao - Singing for Education Bella
Ciao - Sing for Women |
Bella Ciao -
Italian (Raised Voices) |
Big NHS Rip-off
- from Bristol |
Big Society,
Beg Society |
Blood and Gold
Blood on Your Hands |
Blowing in the wind - see Recycling |
Bonny Besses - Chorus |
Bonny Besses - Verse, sops and altos unison. |
Both Sides |
Boycott Song |
Break 'em on Down
new |
Bread and
Roses - with 5 verses
Original photo copy score |
in the Sheaves - Orig.
p/c score |
Bringing Peace/Salaam
- Sarah W mixed voices |
Bringing Peace/Salaam
- Sarah W solo voice |
Can You Spare A Dime 
midi files - ties and slurs are ignored |
Bugger the bankers
Bugger the bankers - NHS version
Building a Wall - see They're
building.... |
Bumbelayla |
Carbon Free Society - see In a carbon free society
Carry Greenham
Home |
On  |
Chains (You
aint got nothing to lose but your ...) |
Anthem |
MacColl - Intro Chartist
Anthem Intro
of the honest heart |
Shanty: (A revolution now...) |
Class War |
Climate Change Song - see Bella Ciao |
for Peace |
Climate Skeptic
- only chorus harmonized |
Coal not Dole
Comin' Home
(landscape); 2 pages of A4 |
Bass - chorus |
Tune |
Consume, doom,
doom |
Coop |
Craonne |
Bass - pno |
Croughton Balls |
Cuts |
Cut our carbon
down to zero (tune: Frere Jaques) |
Danse des bombes
Bass part of score -
one page |
the Nazi Died  |
Deep Blue Sea;
(mp3 files from
Protest in Harmony) |
Derry Streets
- Foggy Dew |
(The) Deserter |
(The) Diggers Song
- (see also Leave the Oil...) |
- Blood Red Roses |
bass - midi |
tenor - midi |
alto - midi
Tune - alt+bass - SW |
sop - midi |
all - midi |
la Pace  |
the President |
song mp3 |
Tune: midi |
Don't Believe What You Read in the Papers
- see What the Papers Say |
Dont Fence the
WTO in |
Down where
the trees grow tall |
Easy Money |
Everything is gonna be all right |
see Sing on just a little while longer |
Eh Malama (see Manchester
version below) |
El en Pozo Maria Luisa - see Maria |
Ellas Song |
Pueblo |
Ely Riot Song
- There seems little difference between the sound
of the parts, p'raps just volume. |
(This is an) |
Emily Inspires
Us Yet |
Envoi - also called We shall
go singing - - sound files are lower than we sing.
Starting notes for what we sing
and in Bass Hi and All together |
- SW
tenor - pno |
Rebellion - All songs here |
Songs and mp3's |
rebellion, Right Now, Right Here - Peggy Seeger |
Fair Trade Rant
Famba Naye |
Famba Naye |
Farquahar's Retreat |
Far More United
- midi files have bass intro |
Fat Cat |
Fight the cuts
(tune:Rock my soul) |
Fight the cuts - see 'We will fight on' |
Figli dell'Officina |
Notion  |
Foggy Dew - see Derry Streets |
Freedom (Rechten) - see Rechten |
Freedom is a voice |
- sgs |
Freedom's Coming
(Manchester Choir recordings) |
tenor |
Friends - see Rounds below |
Coming Around the Corner
- mixed SW & solo voice recordings
Gaza - see Song for Gaza |
Gentle Angry People -
see Singing for Our Lives |
George Fox |
Got to bring
the wall down - portrait
- Landscape |
'Granny Was A Suffragette'
see 'Nana...' |
Great Pretender |
Green Song - verse
4 plays at end of midi files 
Golden Thread |
Hamba Kahle Umkhonto
- pdf file from Strawberry Thieves |
Hard Times
Come Again No More - on one
page |
Happy Birthday
Harriet Tubman
score created 28/2/2019; Sarah W singing solo & mixed voices
Rhythmn of lines 3 & 4 |
Have-nots-and-the-have's - see 'The Have...' |
Hegoak - see Txoria Txori |
Heire Bannag Hoire Bannag |
Hey Mr Putin - see Mr Putin |
dos Grevistas; 4-page
pdf score separate
words for parts |
- JH
Tenor - pno-mp3 |
Alto -
Alto - pno-mp3 |
Hold on |
Hold the fort |
How we love the NHS - see 'Oh how we love' |
Hymne des femmes - see Womens song |
I Aint Afraid |
I ain't gonna study war no more - see Ain't gonna... |
Can See Clearly Now |
do love to live beside the frackers |
If All The
Might of Darkness |
In My Name -
(Not) In My Name hand drawn
f or verse tune see all
Its the same the whole
world over |
sop - as tune |
In Carbon Free
Society Tune: English Country Garden |
I Paradisi |
I want Rosa to stay
- lyrics Score - pdf
file - 3 pages Je
veux accueillir Rose - francais |
I want to
have a little bomb like you 
* Key change error in middle of bass/alto-sgs mp3
files |
- solo and hum |
- 4 part harmony |
Jericho - (The)
Wall Will Come Tumbling Down |
all - sgs |
Hill |
John Ball |
Jute Mill Song |
Ke Arona |
Knowledge if Power  |
D'Or |
Land Rights - see Right
to Life |
La Lega (English)
Italian score -
La Lega (mp3) |
Last night I had the strangest dream - see Strangest
Dream |
La Vigne au Vin |
Lay down you sword and shield -
see Aint gonna study war no more |
Leave the
oil in the ground - (Diggers Song)  |
Lesang magwala a cheche
- spoken - final |
Lester Simpson's Workshop Songs 24/7
Make it, mend it Rechten
Let us in: Calais
refugee song - Ch
word rhythmn |
Ch - Ten - sgs
Ch - Ten
- midi |
Levellers Day
Song  |
Life's Purpose |
Lily -
sib |
Limerick Soviet
Lives in the
Balance - SarahW mixed & solo voices |
Lullaby |
Make it mend it |
Manchester Rambler
- Verse |
Unison - midi |
Manchester Rambler
- Chorus |
March of the Women
March on - see Sing on |
Maria's song -
see They don't belong in jail |
(En El Pozo) Maria Luisa
- Word rhythmn |
Mevi Lyetu |
Movng On |
My eyes are opened |
see 'All in... |
Mr Cameron - see Oh Mr Cameron |
Mr Putin |
was a suffragette
Never Turning
Back - pdf
file from PinH
score & MP3 from Protest in Harmony |
NHS for sale street
theatre by Strawberry Thieves |
NHS song - see 'Oh how we love
the NHS' |
- SOS |
Sikelela Afrika original score 
Nkosi Sikelel' iAfika
- separate staves Words |
No Going
Back - FS
Chorus - Verses |
No More
Shopping |
No More War
see Gnomorewah |
or Aint gonna... |
Not gonna give it back - see
We're not gonna....... |
No Sticking Plaster |
Not In My Name - see In My Name  |
Now is the time for all the earths people
to come together in unity |
to Joy - Seeger |
to Privatisation - street theatre song from Strawberry Thieves |
how we love the NHS |
Mr Cameron - SGS arr. with Bandierra Rossa (BR) hum, LSC
arrangement, orig words |
Oh we do like to demonize the bankers: see
Bankers Song. |
Olive Tree
normal speed chorus 
slow version for learning |
One Nuclear
Bomb Can Ruin Your Whole Day |
Song, 1 Dance, 1 World, 1 Chant
Mp3: first part of song; midi from Strawberry Thieves |
Only Our Rivers
Run Free |
Only Remembered
Forever - sib |
amended words by MC
Voices Must be Heard - sib |
Overnight: hear it by author on Youtube
Score: pg1 - no longer available
pg2 - pg3 - lyrics - music files all piano |
bass - midi
bass - pno,mp3 |
alto - midi
alto - pno.mp3 |
sop & ten - midi
pno - mp3 |
Oxford Town - see Sleeping in doorways |
Oxford Women Now |
Pachamama |
Carols |
Me My Down |
Peace be with
you always |
Peace is on our shoulders - see Bringing
peace.... |
Perhaps  |
have the Power - XRchant |
chant at
XR demo to block Marble Arch |
Peterloo - Chorus
Peterloo - Verse
Verse - SW |
Playboys and
playgirls |
Bob Dylan on YouTube: | |
a un Labrador - talking
through words |
Poverty Knocks |
Power in the Union
Power to the people - see People have the power |
Prayer for peace - see This is my... |
Preacher and
the Slave (Pie in the Sky)
pdf and midi files from Strawberry Thieves  |
Pretty Good Day
So Far |
Quand un Soldat - see When a soldier.. |
Your Banners Knitters |
Rechten (Freedom) |
Recycling |
Red Flag
- rhythmn |
Refugee |
Revolt |
To Life - (Land Rights) |
(The) River is
Flowing |
(The) River Runs |
Rolling Home
Rosa - see I want Rosa to stay |
Rosa Parks recordings
by Sheffield Soc. Ch.  |
Rosa's Lovely
Daughter |
Salaam - see Bringing Peace is on our
shoulders |
Save our NHS (tune
'Hymn des femmes) |
Seed of hope |
Shosholosa -
( Manchester version below has better recordings)
Show us the
way to peace |
Si Me Quieres
Escribir |
Thina - prononciation
for our Lives; score&
MP3 parts
(We are the Oxford SeaGreen Singers) |
Sing for the Climate - see Bella Ciao |
Sing/March on just
a little while longer
see Hold on, Sing on |
Siya Hamba
- We are Singing in the Name of Peace  |
Shelter |
Skin - kids song |
Lament |
to Time  |
Sleep |
in Doorways |
on Sea |
for Gaza |
Song of
the Low |
(Something Inside) So Strong
Sow seeds of hope - see Seed |
SOS - NHS see NHS - SOS |
Soyilwela |
Songs of Freedom |
Song of Peace
(Finlandia) |
Sow the seed of Hope - see Seed |
Stand up and
be counted  |
Strangest Dream |
Stop Making
C02 |
for mp3 of tune see Aint gonna study war no more |
Street Music |
Earth |
Summer is a-coming in - Poverty (score
in book download) |
Testimony - see We will remember |
you to the NHS |
Tar Sands - tune
Daisy Daisy |
The goose and
the common - sib
at 2 speeds |
Have's Not's and the Have's |
Choir |
These are the
These are the bastards
(anyone feel like sending me the lyrics for this?) |
Choir - hands bastards
The Road score created
12/2/2019 |
aint no planet B |
There is Power in a Union
see Power in the Union |
They dont belong
in Jail - tune is alto
draft harmony |
They're Building
a Wall |
Rovics |
They say that we're scroungers - see
What the papers say |
This is an emergency - see Emergency |
is my prayer for peace - full version sgs
version (round) |
This Land
is Your Land
Those Balls Have Got To Go: see Croughton
Balls |
Those were the
days |
Thina Simunye |
Thina Siswe (words)
- spoken |
Boats |
Tenor - midi |
Man - chorus, unison |
Tom Paines
Bones - Tune - sgs  |
Tory Boys Picnic
- from Teddy Bears Picnic |
Tory Toffs (SThs
= Strawberry Thieves) |
Town Medley - (climate change) |
Women's Medley - all midi |
Txoria Txori - Hegoak
- prononciation |
bass - SW
bass - midi |
ten - SW
tenor - midi |
alto - SW alto
- midi |
sop - Leire sop
- midi |
All - midi
All - equal voice
U Mandela
Union (The) see La Lega |
Unison in Harmony |
Union Miner - chorus
................... - verse |
Vila Soco
(meu amor) pdf - Talk
through |
Viva la Quince
Brigada  |
Voices |
Vote the Bastards
out |
(The) Wall Will Come Tumbling Down -
see Jericho |
Walk a mile |
Walk a mile
in my shoes in C or Bmaj
or with 4
verses |
Wangari -
pitch varies on 'Wangari' at end of mp3 files Manchester
Choir at Whitby |
begets Poverty R Brown (1701) - Summer is a coming
in; score in A4 book download |
War Machine
Rolls Round - score
& MP3 parts from Protest in Harmony |
War no more - see Aint gonna study or Gnomorwah |
Watch Out - Faslane
365 site, Words schematic |
Bye Bye to PFI - okey cokey tune  |
Are All Under the Stars
sung to spoken texts.
Hear Sheffield Socialist Choir recdg
of 1st and 3rd sections |
We are
(for Peace) - (not just against the fighting) |
- SW |
We are far more united - see Far... |
We fund our welfare |
We Are The Oxford SeaGreen Singers -
see Singing for our Lives |
dont want you here (Ash Grove) |
tune - midi |
We'll fight on - see Amen Siakudumisa We'll fight on
(from STh = Strawberry Thieves version of S. African
song Amen Siakudumisa)
Got Fooled Again |
We Have Got the
Power |
Were you there - see 'When I needed....' |
We're All
In This Together |
not gonna give it back |
All: piano;
SGS; Youtube
Peggy Seeger |
We shall go singing -
also called Envoi - sound files are lower than we sing.
Starting notes for what we sing
and in Bass Hi and All together |
- SW
tenor - pno |
We Shall
not give up the fight  |
We're Standing Here
- HY solo
- Owly YouTube |
standing here because of those who've gone before |
bass |
tenor |
alto |
sop |
all |
We Shall Be Known |
We Teach Life, Sir |
We want Rosa to stay - see I want Rosa.... |
Sung a 1000 song of peace |
We Will Remember
:Testimony |
the Papers Say - or Don't believe what you read in the papers
can we do about global warming |
See Climate Sceptic for harmony: i.e. what shall we
do with the drunken sailor. |
did you Learn in school |
a soldier goes off to war
Quand un soldat |
bass - pno
I needed a neighbour - Were you there - |
When They Came
Around - film |
We're not gonna give it back - see Not gonna give it..... |
have all the flowers gone |
side are you on for Ascott women |
for music see below. |
Which Side Are
You On |
Who do you
think they are |
Brown |
Women in Harmony |
bass - midi |
alto - midi |
sop - midi |
all - midi |
Womens Medley - see Transition...T |
Woman Resist - see Amen Siakudumisa WomenResist |
Women's Song |
Workers Unite for the
Battle |
World Turned Upside Down |
Yil Lull
You and Me |
You aint got nothing to lose but your chains - see Chains |
You're a sleepy
baby - lullaby
XR |
zoom songs |