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Sea Green Singers - Green Song - click on image below to enlarge

Green Song
1. The climate is changing, the ice caps are melting,
the waters are rising, What can we do
So many are fleeing from cyclones and flooding,
their islands submerging, What can they do

2. Our carbon emissions increase global warming,
the poor are those paying for damage we do.
Our companies are logging their forests destroying
their old ways of living, What can they do

3. The prospect's appalling, our leaders are stalling
so now we are calling for action from you.
We must begin acting to stop the exploiting
of earth and its beings. This we can do.

4. Thepeople are rising and they are demanding
sustainable living and action from you.
So join the campaigning together we're striving
for just equal sharing in all that we do, Yes this we can do.